I was craving an alternative to toast for this Sunday morning's breakfast, since the bread we have in the fridge, Whole Food's Organic Miche, I find to be sort of heavy and dull.
HUSBAND: What do you want for breakfast?
ME: I was thinking about pancakes. Too bad we didn’t get any fresh eggs at the market yesterday.
HUSBAND: You want me to organize you some eggs?
ME: Organize me some eggs?
ME: Is that how you say it in German? Organize me some eggs?
HUSBAND: Yeah, well, sort of. I mean, you don’t really say it like that, but you can.
ME: You can or you don't, which is it?
HUSBAND: Well, you can if you’re inspirated.
ME: Inspirated?
HUSBAND: Yeah. Inspirated.
ME: Inspirated.
HUSBAND: Creative with the language. Like thief language. I’m going to go organize me some eggs, it’s like let’s go steal some eggs from the farmer.
ME: Do you feel like driving and parking?
HUSBAND: No, not really, but I will do for you.
We ended up having toast. Sometimes in L.A., even when the bread is not that good, as in life, simplicity trumps other pleasures.